Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Comparision - Telangana – Rayalseema – Uttara Andhra

Lot of times I hear Brothers from Rayalseema and Costal wondering why people talk about the neglect in Telangana, when we see the same amount of negligence in districts like Anantapur, Srikakulam, Vizianagaram etc.

In this article I would like to express the Telanganites stand point.

The State of Andhra Pradesh was formed on November 1, 1956 by the merger of already existing two states (Andhra and Hyderabad) and hence Andhra Pradesh was a conditional state unlike other Linguistic states formed in India after the first S.R.C (states reorganization committee headed by Justice Fazal Ali).

Conditional state: why a conditional state? The reason is simple.
Andhra (coastal + Rayalseema + Uttara Andhra) was economically strong wherein people were more educated, knew lobbying at different levels, were technically good compared to Telanganites but their state exchequer of Andhra State with Kurnool as capital was in real Doldrums, unable to bear even the salaries to the employees of the state.
On the other hand due to the atrocities of Razakars, Feudal Land lords, the people of Telangana were less educated but the looted money by Nizam was later distributed among the Central Government, Hyderabad State and a small portion was given to Nizam. On the whole Telangana people were less educated, weak in Technical skills but had a strong Revenue base and the Hyderabad State that existed between 1948 and 1956 always had Surplus budget. Hyderabad state with good Natural resources (Rich Coal deposits found in Adilabad, KarimNagar, Warangal and Khammam), Largest deposits of Lime stone in the south, Good fertile lands ( in the districts of Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Medak, Warangal, Khammam and Nalgonda ) , Rivers Krishna & Godavari Flowing across the region was all set to make its mark in future.

Telanganites were never interested to merge with Andhra with a fear that they would be neglected and would never get their fair share in the future years to come.
Andhra Lobbyists persuaded Telanganites and made all the promises they could that would ease the process of Merger.
As the state was formed with Conditions on Hand, we would call Andhra Pradesh as a Conditional State rather than calling it as a Linguistic Telugu State(First SRC never suggested one united state for Telugu speaking People instead SRC Recommended existence of Andhra and Hyderabad as two seperate states).

The conditions were between two units or Parties at that Time:
1. Andhra (comprises of Coastal Region, Uttara Andhra Region and Rayalseema Region)
2. Hyderabad State (Today’s “Telangana”).

As these are only two parties involved in the agreement, whenever one region tries to take an undue advantage, the other region has the right to fight for the injustice meted on them. This is happening today. Telangana has to advocate for itself as on numerous occasions . Time and again agreements (Gentlemen's Agreement of 1956, Mulki Rules, 6 point formula, 8 point formula, Presedential Order or 610G.O.) were not honored nor did Telangana receive justice in spite of its rich contribution towards Andhra Pradesh today.

As the rule of the land says that locals rights should be protected while sharing the riches with others. Telangana never deceived Rayalseema or Uttara Andhra of its fair share. On the contrary, Telangana was deprived of its share in water, jobs, Educational facilities, Healthcare and social justice. Telangana contributed a lot towards Andhra Pradesh Economy but never had anything for its people. Questions were raised many times against this gross injustice and as they were paid a Deaf Ear, it had become inevitable to fight for their identity that can be achieved only through Separate Satehood.

As far as I know, Telangana is the only region which has a District(Nalgonda) wheirein 7,00,000 People are affected by Fluorsis (Legs Crippled, Hands Crippled, ) due to lack of supply of drinking Water to hundreds of villages even though Nalgonda has the largest Masonary dam in the World, Nagarjuna Sagar built on its soil.

MahabubNagar District could see River Krishna flowing 365 days in the year in its vicinity but has severe drought which drives out lakhs of people from the district every year in search of Food & shelter.

These examples are just a tip on the Iceberg and in my future articles I would discuss in detail injustice meted onto Telangana one sector at a time like Educational disparities, Healthcare disparities etc.


  1. u guys are giving ur own names to geographies..some "elite" telanganites call entre costal as andhra(???) and now u r cllaing costa is different and uttarandhra is different.. more emotional quotient would not always always give s you the correct picture...and thats what happened in this article's case also.

  2. This article is complete baseless chat. Capital is situated in telangana and how u can sya telanaga is backward. Who asked u not to study (telanganites). Education is important, U have one of the big university in Asia, just accept that they are not interested in studying but just doing some kind of businesses in real estate and want to become rich that strategy forces them to illeterate. Development is not there any where in AP. for ur kind information AP is just in 5th-place after Pondicherry among other South indian states/union terr. (pls read India today if u can understand) dont simply blame Andhra people for that. If capital is in andhra side then u people would have come there to do businesses. Earlier both groups used to do in Madras. Cant u understand this simple logic.
    there are 109 MLAs in telangana what they did for all these 50 years they are from ur area not from Andhra. cant they do good for ur own people telangana. Who looted u, ur people looted among ur selves. If u dont know facts dont write.
    Even I vote for seperate Telengana take it peacefully, all these days we are together, separate happily. What is the need to burn effigy of Pottisriramulu (he fatsed for more than 50 days) to bring AP state.

  3. Common mate(@ above), are you sure u know everything about the facts. If yes, i wonder how....Just try finding out why pottisriramulu fasted for...is it for separation of andhra from madras, or for uniting AP. Try finding out brother, you will know who is talking without base.

    Capital is situated in Telangana, so Telangana cannot be a backward region..absolutely fantastic logic. You are asking who asked us not to study, i ask you, who asked you all to come here?..im really sorry to ask so...... K you all came, then try to develop yourself, no issues with that. Why do you all try to dominate and steal our rights. Even though we have education, find out how many govt jobs in Telangana region are given to Telanganites.

    Talking about the development of AP, you all say u have developed Hyderabad. Ya i agree with that, everyone had a hand in it. So what, who asked you not to invest in hyd. who asked you to leave hyd. Its just we want to rule our own region, so that we can stop you people from dominating us.

    And finally, talking about MLA's....damn shit,....who sat quiet.. if its so why was the agitation took place in 1969 and since 1956 its going on. Its not that we are responsible. Everytime we had a problem, you people made us a promise..we with of intention of being united agreed to them, but then everytime your leaders cheated us. We cant bare anymore, separation is the only solution now.

    I liked you last statement buddy, when we got to separate we got to separate peacefully. When one wants to go away, why stop him guys. I just want to tell one thing boss, this is not between people of Telangana or Andhra.....this situation is all because of some greedy and disloyal politicians from andhra who denied the rights of telanganites. I must tell you this, out of only 10 best friends i have, 7 of them belong to Andhra region. I hope this relation between both the region continues. Lets not ruin it guys.

  4. Common mate(@ above), are you sure u know everything about the facts. If yes, i wonder how....Just try finding out why pottisriramulu fasted for...is it for separation of andhra from madras, or for uniting AP. Try finding out brother, you will know who is talking without base.

    Capital is situated in Telangana, so Telangana cannot be a backward region..absolutely fantastic logic. You are asking who asked us not to study, i ask you, who asked you all to come here?..im really sorry to ask so...... K you all came, then try to develop yourself, no issues with that. Why do you all try to dominate and steal our rights. Even though we have education, find out how many govt jobs in Telangana region are given to Telanganites.

    Talking about the development of AP, you all say u have developed Hyderabad. Ya i agree with that, everyone had a hand in it. So what, who asked you not to invest in hyd. who asked you to leave hyd. Its just we want to rule our own region, so that we can stop you people from dominating us.

    And finally, talking about MLA's....damn shit,....who sat quiet.. if its so why was the agitation took place in 1969 and since 1956 its going on. Its not that we are responsible. Everytime we had a problem, you people made us a promise..we with of intention of being united agreed to them, but then everytime your leaders cheated us. We cant bare anymore, separation is the only solution now.

    I liked you last statement buddy, when we got to separate we got to separate peacefully. When one wants to go away, why stop him guys. I just want to tell one thing boss, this is not between people of Telangana or Andhra.....this situation is all because of some greedy and disloyal politicians from andhra who denied the rights of telanganites. I must tell you this, out of only 10 best friends i have, 7 of them belong to Andhra region. I hope this relation between both the region continues. Lets not ruin it guys.

  5. Hi
    u said that who asked you all to come here?,
    but think once it's capital of whole AP and costal and sema are also the parts of AP then do u think that we need to wait for someone's call,is it fair to ask like that?.That is quite obvious we can go to the place where the oppurtunities are.
    And I just want to convey u one more thing,
    I agree with that the Pottisriramulu fasted for separation only but keep in mind that he wanted a state for all telugu people.
